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 Hey, folks! Actually, I was going through a read very recently and I discovered that recent research has shown that when babies are given lots of antibiotics, especially without prescription, it can have long-term effects on their mental health as they grow up. This is information to note for our nursing mothers, not just for them but even for adults. You might be wondering what your gut has got to do with your brain. Follow me as I show, in simple terms, what brings about that link.

"You are what you eat," that's a popular saying. Well, it turns out there's some truth to that statement, especially when it comes to your mood and mental health. So, picture this: inside your gut, there's a bustling community of microorganisms, also called gut microflora or microbiota. These harmless communities of diverse microorganisms that inhabit your digestive tract, primarily the intestines, include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes, mostly bacteria to be exact. These little guys aren't just hanging out for fun; they're actually doing some pretty important work. They help with digestion, sure, but the trillions of microbes in the gut have a tremendous influence on human health and well-being. Gut microbes can affect the brain in a link known as the gut-brain axis.

This gut-brain connection is crucial for mental health, as the bacteria help produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, impacting mood regulation. Moreover, they strengthen the gut lining, preventing harmful substances from entering the bloodstream and causing inflammation. Now, the focus here is that the disruption of this community of harmless bacteria can harm your brain. Let me show you a couple of factors that can trigger this.


 Chronic stress can alter gut function and disrupt the microbiome. Your normal miracle-working antibiotics, when used incessantly can kill both harmful and beneficial bacteria in the gut and sometimes wipe out both the good and bad bacteria, thereby reducing their influence on brain health. Let me tell you this that your diet also matters. A high intake of processed foods, sugar, and low fiber can upset the balance of gut bacteria. Also, infections are great disruptors. Certain infections can disturb the balance of the gut. Lastly, poor sleep habits, as we discussed extensively in our previous post, can negatively impact gut health.

How do these aforementioned points culminate in the focus of our discussion, right? Take a deep breath and continue reading. Disruption of the gut microbiome influences the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, thus causing changes in mood and emotions, and triggers cognitive and memory impairment. In fact! Another recent study claimed that disruption of the infant gut microbiome is linked to the pathogenesis of autism and ADHD. The disruption of the gut microbiome can also lead to increased inflammation, which is linked to conditions like depression and anxiety. Additionally, the gut microbiome plays a role in regulating the immune system, and disruptions can affect overall health, including brain health.

Permit me to borrow the words of "Our Lord Jesus Christ" who said, "I will not leave you without a comforter." Just as He offers comfort, I won't leave you without some nuggets for your gut health. Take natural probiotics, such as yogurt. Additionally, incorporating prebiotics found in foods like bananas, onions, and whole grains could be helpful too. Oh, and don't forget about fiber! This nutrient acts like a janitor for your gut, sweeping away all the gunk and keeping things running smoothly. Load up on fiber-rich foods like beans, lentils, and veggies to keep your gut in tip-top shape. Finally, remember to relax and unwind, whether through meditation or taking a long walk to ease stress.

Till next time I see you, remember, your health is our concern. Bye! 







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